
Lottery tickets may soon be purchased with credit cards

A recent rise in online gambling has caused some states to allow consumers to purchase lottery tickets online. However, as this article explains, this allows problem gamblers to rack up huge amounts of debt more quickly and more easily.

2013 Buy Lottery Tickets with a Credit Card

LesLottery tickets may soon be purchased with credit cards
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Money for lottery tickets could be better spent on education

This story in The Chicago Reporter chronicles the funding problems that have plagued the city’s education system. The article proposes that instead of buying lottery tickets, that give only 30 cents per dollar to the school system, Chicago’s children would be better served with contributions directly to the schools.

Better Odds- Money for lottery tickets could be better spent on education

LesMoney for lottery tickets could be better spent on education
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Facebook online casinos entice young people to gamble

The UK’s MailOnline reports online gambling giant 888 has struck a lucrative deal with Facebook to offer Las Vegas-style slot machines and other games funded by credit and debit card transactions up to £500 (roughly US $761).  Facebook and its gambling partners have been training youth with slot and bingo-style games. The Mail quotes Mark Griffiths, professor of gambling studies at Nottingham Trent University citing research showing that playing free games online is a big factor in developing problem gambling. He warned the new apps will open the floodgates as “gambling companies dive into the social media frenzy to make money. It is thought Facebook will take a 30 percent cut of all bets placed.”

These free games are available to US customers as well. Online game giant Zynga for months has featured intrusive popups and ads pushing their slots and poker games in their ubiquitous “Words with Friends” blockbuster game.

Social network is tempting young to gamble with new betting games

CkirbyFacebook online casinos entice young people to gamble
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Health Impacts of Gambling Expansion in Toronto

Toronto Board of Health has released a new report that explains, in part, that “problem gambling is a significant public health concern … impacting upwards of 11,000 people aged 18+ in the greater Toronto area.” This disturbing statistic is among many that the Board finds, as the seriousness of problem gambling grows as casinos and online gambling expand.

2012 City of Toronto Public Health Report

LesHealth Impacts of Gambling Expansion in Toronto
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California Lottery provides 1% of education funding

Despite the promises from gambling promoters it would fund public education if passed, this Los Angeles Times story reveals the California Lottery provides only 1.3% of the state’s entire education budgetThis shows, once again, that the claims casino supporters routinely trot out are unsubstantiated and are proven falsehoods.

California Lottery funding generally makes up 1.3% of the state education budget

LesCalifornia Lottery provides 1% of education funding
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Exploiting the Neuroscience of Internet Addiction

In this article the relationship between neuroscience and internet gambling is explained. The article delineates how much of what we do online releases dopamine into the brain’s pleasure centers, resulting in obsessive pleasure-seeking behavior. Technology companies face the option to exploit our addictions for profit.

Exploiting the Neuroscience of Internet Addiction

LesExploiting the Neuroscience of Internet Addiction
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Louisiana State Government Has a Self-Inflicted Epidemic of Gambling Addiction

According to the Louisiana Association on Compulsive Gambling, about 4.4 percent of adults over 21 in Louisiana, or as many as 159,000 people, demonstrate problematic or pathological gambling. The problem is even worse among young adults. About 14.3 percent of adults between 18 and 21 have problematic or pathological gambling issues. That’s as many as 23,000 people.

Thousands treated annually for addiction

LesLouisiana State Government Has a Self-Inflicted Epidemic of Gambling Addiction
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Facebook ‘creating a generation of gambling addicts because of site’s Las Vegas style games’

Facebook has been accused of turning youngsters into gambling addicts with an explosion of Las Vegas-style casino games on the social networking site. Children are using ‘virtual coins’ to simulate the thrill of hitting the jackpot with slot machine and roulette games on their home computers and mobile phones. Zynga, which accounts for 12 per cent of all Facebook’s revenues due to its popular games such as FarmVille, launched Zynga Slots in the UK last month. Although these games are free, addiction experts have warned the games encourage teenagers to think gambling is harmless fun.

Facebook ‘creating a generation of gambling addicts because of site’s Las Vegas style games’

CkirbyFacebook ‘creating a generation of gambling addicts because of site’s Las Vegas style games’
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Lotteries seeking ways to sell lottery tickets at ATM machines

State lotteries are constantly looking for new ways to get citizens to lose more money more frequently. Below is a Request for Proposals issued by the Minnesota Lottery to review methods to sell lottery tickets at ATM machines.

Lotteries seeking ways to sell lottery tickets at ATM machines

LesLotteries seeking ways to sell lottery tickets at ATM machines
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Frequent video gamers have brain differences, study finds

Young teens who were frequent video gamers had more gray matter in the rewards center of the brain than peers who didn’t play video games as much — suggesting that gaming may be correlated to changes in the brain as much as addictions are. This characteristic is precisely why casino owners are aiming to promote internet gambling and target those who are already prone to addiction.

Frequent gamers have brain differences study finds

LesFrequent video gamers have brain differences, study finds
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