
Philadelphia City Council votes 17-0 against predatory gambling

The Philadelphia City Council voted 17-0 against adding new forms of predatory gambling in their community.

Stop Predatory Gambling, along with strong local allies, had called upon the City Council of Philadelphia to opt-out of a new Pennsylvania state program that could allow mini-casinos to set up shop in Philadelphia.  A mini-casino can have between 300 and 750 slot machines.  Also allowed could be truck stop casinos, each with five video game terminals.

Joining Stop Predatory Gambling in this request was Liberty Resources, Inc.; Asian Americans United; Arch Street United Methodist Church; and, Casino-Free Philadelphia.

In a letter educating the City Council about the issue, the groups wrote:

“Slot machines are highly addictive. Gambling operations prey on low-income and fixed-income residents, including seniors, people with disabilities and other vulnerable populations. This is not just regressive, predatory exploitation; it is counterproductive to a healthy economy.”

Click on the link below for a copy of the letter:

Opt out of more slot machines in Philadelphia communities letter

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