Who We Are

Members of our network in front of the U.S Supreme Court

Who We Are

What We Stand For

We believe people are worth more than money.
Gambling has been transformed from a private and local activity into the public voice of American government, such that ever increasing appeals to gamble, and ever-expanding opportunities to gamble, now constitute the main ways that our government communicates with us on a daily basis.

What We Stand For

Gambling has been transformed from a private and local activity into the public voice of American government, such that ever increasing appeals to gamble, and ever-expanding opportunities to gamble, now constitute the main ways that our government communicates with us on a daily basis.

What We Do

Commercialized gambling has become so normalized today that the vast majority of us never question it. Our members work to change that. Here is an actual billboard ad used by the Oregon State lottery during the holiday season to market highly-addictive lottery scratch tickets. Even the infamous Joe Camel campaign created to lure young people to smoke, which spurred nearly every state Attorney General to file litigation, didn’t go this far.

Because of the powerful interests opposing us, our mission is one of the toughest in America today. Yet, it remains vitally important to the country’s future. No quote better captures the doggedness of our members than that of Jacob Riis, the famous 19th century American social reformer who would almost certainly be a Stop Predatory Gambling member if he were alive today: “A stonecutter hammers away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow, the rock will split in two, and we know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”

How We Stop Predatory
Gambling – Our Goals