
The Effects of Video Poker in South Carolina

In 1997, Dr. Quinn founded the South Carolina Center for Gambling Studies and directed a statewide study of Video Poker’s impact on South Carolina. This study outlined the pattern of devastation Video Poker was having on average citizens and demonstrated the uniquely addictive nature of electronic gambling. Dr. Quinn’s study and a follow-up study with Dr. William Thompson of UNLV focusing on the economic impact of Video Poker in South Carolina, contributed greatly to demise of Video Poker in South Carolina.

Here are some key findings from the research:

1. The combination of electronic gambling and convenience venues is extremely addictive and destructive.
2. Minorities and women in particular appear disproportionately vulnerable to video poker.
3. People often gamble more often and/or longer when they are induced.
4. Sometimes people gamble and develop pathology because they have the opportunity.
5. The pathology associated with video poker, unlike other forms of gambling, may prove to be largely non-transferable.
6. The long term economic and social costs associated with gambling are often ignored by political processes obsessed with short term and visible financial gain.

Report of The Quinn-Pike Video Gaming Study

An Economic Analysis of Machine Gambling in South Carolina

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