One of the nation’s top law schools issued a series of articles exposing the truth behind gambling operators, including a
One of the nation’s top law schools issued a series of articles exposing the truth behind gambling operators, including a
As casino gambling operators lobby to build more casino locations in large cities like Chicago and Manhattan as well
Below is the testimony of Les Bernal, National Director of Stop Predatory Gambling, before a Georgia Legislature study committee on
As gambling companies further intensify their ongoing barrage of sports gambling ads targeted at the American people, we recently
The members of Stop Predatory Gambling sent the letter below to leaders in all states with lotteries calling on them
“A Conflict Between Love and Greed” – Learn about the crisis of state-sanctioned gambling. Stop Predatory Gambling’s Les Bernal was
DOWNLOAD our report on state lotteries: “Living in Truth: Lotteries Worsen Opportunity, Reduce Mobility Out of Poverty and Deepen Budget
To help the Supreme Court better understand the stakes of this critical case, Stop Predatory Gambling assembled a broad and
The following was written by an addicted gambler who asked to remain anonymous. It was received by Stop Predatory Gambling
The 2020 WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission Report includes a section about commercialized gambling and its impact on kids. It is a major