
Government-Run Gambling Bigger Than Organized Crime

Should our democratic institutions be competing with organized crime for revenue? Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Monica Yant Kinney discovers an important distinction between illegal underground gambling and government-sponsored predatory gambling: “Bookies don’t prey on gamblers. Bookies don’t solicit. Gamblers find them.”

This lies in stark contrast to state governments using taxpayer money to solicit our fellow citizens to play the lottery and providing tax incentives to allow casinos to come to town.

Pennsylvania Competing with Mob Bookies

CkirbyGovernment-Run Gambling Bigger Than Organized Crime
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Paltronics offers a centralized system to manage slots, tables and media in “one elegant solution with the goal of creating efficiencies and driving excitement throughout one or multiple casino properties.” They are located in Crystal Lake, IL.

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New Hampshire Study Finds Proposed Casino Would Take Away Local Jobs and Lead to Higher Taxes for All

An independent New Hampshire Gambling Commission study found that bringing one casino to the state would take away seven existing local jobs for every 10 casino jobs created – yet another example how predatory gambling operators willfully exaggerate the lure of jobs to mislead public opinion. The same report showed one casino would raise $219 million in state revenue but the total social cost would be $287.7 million: a net drain of $68.7 million. Who do you think pays that tab?

NH Gambling Report 2010

CkirbyNew Hampshire Study Finds Proposed Casino Would Take Away Local Jobs and Lead to Higher Taxes for All
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