WATCH: What You Need to Know About America’s New Wave of Gambling Ads
As gambling companies further intensify their ongoing barrage of sports gambling ads targeted at the American people, we recently hosted a national panel on what you need to know
As gambling companies further intensify their ongoing barrage of sports gambling ads targeted at the American people, we recently hosted a national panel on what you need to know
“A Conflict Between Love and Greed” – Learn about the crisis of state-sanctioned gambling. Stop Predatory Gambling’s Les Bernal was invited to speak on the crisis of state-sanctioned casinos before
Below is the testimony of Les Bernal, National Director of Stop Predatory Gambling, before a Georgia Legislature study committee on gambling in October 2019. As part of his presentation, Bernal
Why Participate as a Freedom Player? You need to become a Freedom Player if you want to help the 40 million Americans suffering harm because of the greed of big
Warren Buffett on Gambling – Transcript
During the Great Depression, leaders like New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia (watch the brief news clip below) aggressively went after those who preyed on the financial struggles of
Many of the gambling interests have argued that instant racing machines are similar to betting on a live horse race and that they should be allowed in states where slot