
Much of lottery revenue comes from those already receiving government subsidies

This in-depth report from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis studied the relationship between income and lottery revenue and found that a large portion of lottery profits come from people who receive some financial subsidy from the government, suggesting the lottery profits from those with the least disposable income.

2008 Income and Lottery Sales- Transfers Trump Income from

LesMuch of lottery revenue comes from those already receiving government subsidies
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Report finds link between casino gambling and corruption in states

A report by two economists from the Pew Research Center surveyed political corruption before and after the legalization of casino gambling in states and found that corruption tends to rise when casino gambling is legalized and casinos begin to operate. The report gives two theories as to why this is. First, the economists report casinos tend to open up in states with a “culture of corruption” already established . They also report that the casino industry and casino interests are able to obtain the legislative results they want in a way that is “perhaps tainted by corruption”. This article from summarized the report’s findings.

2013 Mississippi leads nation in corruption when linked to legalization of gambling

LesReport finds link between casino gambling and corruption in states
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Gambling interests spend big bucks on NY lawmakers

According to a report by the Common Cause NY, gambling interests have spared no expense courting New York lawmakers, spending $20 million over the past 2 years on lobbying and campaign contributions for various offices, including almost a quarter a million dollars to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s campaign. The spending comes on the heels of Cuomo’s announcement that New York will be looking to expand casino gambling in the state. This article, by Newsday, summarizes the developments quite well.

2013 Gambling interests spent $20 million on NY lawmakers in 2 years, Common Cause finds

LesGambling interests spend big bucks on NY lawmakers
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Survey of literature on the economics of lotteries

Below is a survey and summary of the many existing works regarding the economic impacts of lotteries in the US. It underscores the need for more unbiased research in this area, as well as giving an informative look into the how lotteries impact the economics of towns, states, and the country as a whole.

2012 The Economics of Lotteries- A Survey of the Literature 2-20-2012

LesSurvey of literature on the economics of lotteries
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Investigation of Iowa Lottery shows improvements need to be made

This in-depth, exhaustive study of the Iowa Lottery shows that the lottery has to make improvements to protect its customers and its integrity. The author uses the investigation to create a list of improvements the lottery can make to improve. Take some time to read this interesting investigation.

2009 Taking Chances With Integrity Iowa Lottery

LesInvestigation of Iowa Lottery shows improvements need to be made
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A look into the economic and fiscal impacts of casino gambling

This report, from Wichita State University, gives an unbiased and detailed look into the economic and fiscal impacts of casino gambling in Kansas. It gives a balanced and nonpartisan look at how casinos impact the area around them.  Below is the report followed by FAQ’s answered by the author.

2007 Wichita State Univ Fiscal and Economic Impact Study

2010 Wichita State University FAQ of study on city impacts of a casino

2010 Wichita State University More FAQ of study on city impacts of a casino

LesA look into the economic and fiscal impacts of casino gambling
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New study reveals economic impacts of Philadelphia casino

Below is an informative study from Temple University that delves into the economic impacts of the Foxwoods Casino in Philadelphia, PA. After examining all the evidence, the study concludes that the claims that casinos will bring in revenue and jobs is based on incorrect assumptions made by casino owners. It serves to prove the need for studies of casinos independent of special interests.

2007 Frederic Murphy Study of Philadelphia’s Foxwoods

LesNew study reveals economic impacts of Philadelphia casino
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Legalization of casino gambling leads to corruption

A new report is out showing that legalizing casino gambling in states results in higher rates of public corruption. Casinos help create a “culture of corruption” in states in which they are legalized, which harms the community as a whole. Here you can find a summary of the report done by the Pew Research Center as well as the report itself.

2013 For states, gambling on casinos may be a bad bet

2013 Casinos and Political Corruption in the United States

LesLegalization of casino gambling leads to corruption
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The Poor Disproportionately Affected by Problem Gambling

A study by the University at Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions shows that our nation’s poorest citizen are also those who problem gambling hits the hardest. Those living in poor neighborhoods are over twice as likely to have a gambling addiction than their counterparts in a more affluent community.
People in poor neighborhoods are twice as likely to have gambling problems

LesThe Poor Disproportionately Affected by Problem Gambling
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