Investigative Journalism

Homeowners see less-than-expected tax relief from casinos

Homeowners in Pennsylvania were hopeful, after a law was passed in 2006 that dictated the distribution of fund from casinos, that they would finally see a sizable reduction in their property taxes. It was break they needed, however, it was not one they received. Now, according to this article by the Pocono Record, homeowners are becoming more disappointed with the tax relief, or lack thereof, they are getting from casinos in their community.

2012 Gambling tax relief falls short of expectations for struggling homeowners

LesHomeowners see less-than-expected tax relief from casinos
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Gambling is the deadliest addiction

Below is one of the best analyses explaining why gambling addiction has the highest rate of suicide of all the addictions. The psychological effects of problem gambling can be extremely harmful, and the feeling of despair that comes with gambling away all of one’s money is toxic. This article by The Fix is a must-read for anyone looking to understand why so many gambling addicts consider taking their own lives.

2012 You Bet Your Life- Gambling Addiction and Suicide

LesGambling is the deadliest addiction
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Mega Failure: Why Lotteries Are A Bad Bet For State Budgets

Below is a great, concise piece by Think Progress, a political blog of the Center for American Progress, about how lotteries have been a major policy failure because they are highly regressive and are an unsustainable revenue source, ultimately worsening state budget imbalances.

2012 Mega Failure- Why Lotteries Are A Bad Bet For State Budgets

LesMega Failure: Why Lotteries Are A Bad Bet For State Budgets
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American Gaming Association head exposed for lying about the make-up of casino customers

Gambling operators are the only business that endlessly tries to draw attention away from what their business actually does. No one practices this deceit more than the American Gaming Association.  Former AGA head Frank Fahrenkopf was exposed in a Miami Herald story in which he was quoted as saying:”the majority of people traveling to these ‘destination resorts’ are not going for the primary purpose of gambling.” He made the claim amid an intense lobbying campaign for casinos in Florida. PolitFact investigated his claim and not surprisingly, found it to be untrue for casinos outside of Las Vegas.

2013 Gambling advocate says most people go to high-end casinos for amenities, not gambling

LesAmerican Gaming Association head exposed for lying about the make-up of casino customers
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Lotteries hurt winners, losers, and their communities

Lotteries hurt those who win, those who lose, and their surrounding communities, as explained in this article from Those who win face problems such as drugs, bankruptcy, and familial tensions, those who lose deal with crippling poverty, and their surrounding areas tend to spend less and less on education.

2013 How Lotteries Are Bad For Players

LesLotteries hurt winners, losers, and their communities
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10 reasons why lotteries are bad for the economy

This article from outlines the ten strongest reasons why state lotteries hurt the economy and the poor. It explains how lotteries not only hurt those who play, but also hurt local business and help foster crime.

10 reasons state lotteries ruin the economy

Les10 reasons why lotteries are bad for the economy
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Lottery tickets may soon be purchased with credit cards

A recent rise in online gambling has caused some states to allow consumers to purchase lottery tickets online. However, as this article explains, this allows problem gamblers to rack up huge amounts of debt more quickly and more easily.

2013 Buy Lottery Tickets with a Credit Card

LesLottery tickets may soon be purchased with credit cards
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Regions With Casinos See Increase Sex Trafficking Among Minors

One of the effects of regional casinos is the sex trafficking of minors. This atrocity is garnering more and more attention nationwide as the number of children affected increases.

Increase in sex trafficking of minors getting local, state attention

LesRegions With Casinos See Increase Sex Trafficking Among Minors
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Casinos do not provide budgetary stability they promise

Casinos fail to increase revenue even though casino leaders continue to promise to the contrary, according to an article in the Lexington Herald-Leader in Kentucky. Instead of generating new income to provide for education and other services, experts say casinos provide an unstable and unsuccessful base for revenue and caution against using them to fix budgetary problems.

Casinos no cure-all for state budgets, economists say

LesCasinos do not provide budgetary stability they promise
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