
Taylor Branch on Democracy and Government-Sanctioned Gambling

Taylor Branch, the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian of the Civil Rights Movement and biographer of Martin Luther King, lays out why the government policy of predatory gambling undermines the core democratic principles our nation was founded on: “State-sponsored predatory gambling is essentially a corruption of democracy because it violates the most basic premises that make democracy unique: that you can be self-governing, you can be honest and open about your disagreements as well as your agreements, and that you trust other people that you are in this together. That’s what a compact of citizens is. And the first-step away from it is to play each other for suckers. We’re going to trick them into thinking they are going to get rich but they are really going to be paying my taxes.”

The first document below is a opinion piece written by Branch for the Baltimore Sun in 2004. The second item is a feature story on Branch’s activism that appeared in the Sun in 2008.

Taylor Branch – Slots and Democracy

Taylor Branch – Slots Foes Bag a Literary Lion

CkirbyTaylor Branch on Democracy and Government-Sanctioned Gambling
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Natasha Schull writes about the design and technology behind electronic gambling machines in Washington Post

MIT Professor Natasha Schull writes about the design and technology behind electronic gambling machines in this must-read Washington Post essay.

Beware -Machine Zone Ahead

LesNatasha Schull writes about the design and technology behind electronic gambling machines in Washington Post
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The Failure to Regulate the Gambling Business Effectively: Incentives for Perpetual Non-Compliance

Social and economic costs of legalized gambling, and the difficulty of its regulation are the subjects of this Southern Illinois University Law Review article by John Warren Kindt. The evidence shows that gambling causes addiction, bankruptcy, crime, and corruption in its surrounding communities. All of the social costs associated with those problems can add up, and there is shockingly little pressure on government or the predatory gambling business to do better.

The Failure to Regulate the Gambling Business Effectively

LesThe Failure to Regulate the Gambling Business Effectively: Incentives for Perpetual Non-Compliance
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The economic growth fallacy of supporting casinos

Proponents of casinos will tell you to think of casinos and institutionalized gambling as economic development; the truth is, revenue from gambling funds government – not growth. Not one study unaffiliated with the American Gaming Association backs up the claim that casinos contribute to economic development.

In this column penned for The Philadelphia Inquirer, Larry Platt powerfully and effectively dismantles the specious argument peddled by the casino lobby across the nation. A must-read for all the nation’s citizens.

The economic growth fallacy of supporting casinos

LesThe economic growth fallacy of supporting casinos
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