Taking Down This Monument to Injustice Will Help Millions
(Note: The image above is the $100 lottery scratch ticket the Texas Lottery is selling in low-income communities across the state where citizens earn $7.25 an hour. The MLK image
(Note: The image above is the $100 lottery scratch ticket the Texas Lottery is selling in low-income communities across the state where citizens earn $7.25 an hour. The MLK image
The members of Stop Predatory Gambling sent the letter below to leaders in all states with lotteries calling on them to shut down all lottery gambling games for 30 days
Gambling has been normalized among young people and is an unconscious drain on their cash. The constant temptation of having a gambling app in your pocket leads to a stream
This New York Times column spotlights how casinos contribute to the lack of mobility out of poverty facing millions of Americans. As casinos have spread into de-industrialized cities, dying resorts
The following was written by an addicted gambler who asked to remain anonymous. It was received by Stop Predatory Gambling on October 5, 2017: Here is profile of Mr. Stephen
From The Washington Post: Despite their role in increasing economic inequality, lotteries remain remarkably popular in the United States, as millions of players believe in the distant chance that a
This essay ran in The Public Interest in 1996. It remains one of the most persuasive about the ways in which state-sanctioned gambling severely damages American society and worsens people’s
This powerful essay by Elizabeth Winslow McAuliffe in Public Integrity shows how the lottery is a public policy failure by spotlighting two fact-based conclusions: 1) the evidence indicates that the
Despite developing two of the largest casinos on the planet in the 1990s, the state of Connecticut is in dire fiscal shape. The New York Times piece below states that
This essay written by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead appeared in the July/August 2008 issue of The American Interest. It is excerpted and adapted from For a New Thrift: Confronting the Debt