Legalization of casino gambling leads to corruption
A new report is out showing that legalizing casino gambling in states results in higher rates of public corruption. Casinos help create a “culture of corruption” in states in which
A new report is out showing that legalizing casino gambling in states results in higher rates of public corruption. Casinos help create a “culture of corruption” in states in which
There is no grassroots movement anywhere in America calling for regional casinos. The push is completely driven by very powerful corporate gambling interests that are dominating state legislatures across the
The Boston Globe exposed that just three groups of bettors accounted for most of the winning tickets statewide for the lottery game Cash WinFall. Massachusetts Lottery officials initially said they
In a scathing 102-page report, a state grand jury in May 2011 slammed the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board as a patronage-filled, secretive agency that failed to safeguard the public by
This article from The Australian outlines how predatory gambling is a greater threat to the integrity of sports than performance-enhancing drugs. The Australian – Sport Asleep Over Gambling Threat
In October of 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted eleven people in Alabama accused of involvement in a gambling vote-buying scandal. The Justice Department unveiled an indictment accusing the
The massive expansion of predatory gambling over the last twenty years came as the result of gambling interests spending hundreds of millions of dollars under the guise of “Let the
Six out of ten of the top funders of political causes nationwide are casino interests, according to analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics (2007 and 2008 cycle.) For more