Warren Buffett Speaks Out Against Government-Sanctioned Gambling
Warren Buffett on Gambling – Transcript
Warren Buffett on Gambling – Transcript
This study by the Nova Scotia Department of Health found that only 4% of net gambling machine (or so-called “video lottery”) revenue was derived from “casual” players, even though they
The Columbia University School of Public Health, one of America’s leading public health programs, published a national investigation into the massive public health impacts of government-sponsored casinos and lotteries. Led
Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal, a legendary Las Vegas casino operator played by the actor Robert De Niro in the movie “Casino,” said this about gambling in a 1997 PBS Frontline interview:
UIGEA 2006 – Fact Sheet
To help the Supreme Court better understand the stakes of this critical case, Stop Predatory Gambling assembled a broad and diverse coalition to file an amicus brief demonstrating the law’s
A 2009 report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government at the State University of New York Albany concluded that predatory gambling worsens long term budgetary problems for states. Read the
This essay written by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead appeared in the July/August 2008 issue of The American Interest. It is excerpted and adapted from For a New Thrift: Confronting the Debt
U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice, July, 2004 This report, funded and published by the U.S. Department of Justice studied people who had
Predatory gambling in Australia has matured faster than that in America, providing valuable lessons on addiction. Mark Dickerson, a noted academic from the University of Western Sydney, shared his work