Regional Casinos

Atlantic City Looks To Bus More Homeless Back Home

When predatory gambling interests come to your town or city, they falsely promise new jobs, revenue, and overall economic prosperity. However, the story below highlights the dark side of the industry. Beyond the glitz and glamor of Atlantic City’s multi-million dollar casinos, hundreds of homeless people are on the street with no place to go.

Atlantic City Looks To Bus More Homeless Back Home

CkirbyAtlantic City Looks To Bus More Homeless Back Home
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Casinos Profit From Under-Reporting Money Laundering

A CBC News investigation revealed suspected money laundering at the B.C. province’s casinos goes under-reported. “They say they’re being as vigilant as they can, but the conflict of interest is there because these people are flashing the money and ultimately the casino makes money. In a further conflict, provincial governments are both the benefactors and the regulators of casinos.”

Suspected Money Laundering Going Under-Reported

CkirbyCasinos Profit From Under-Reporting Money Laundering
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Money Laundering in Las Vegas

Despite stricter sanctions that have eliminated some of the criminal activities in Las Vegas, money laundering still persists. According to one IRS agent in Las Vegas: “In a currency intensive industry it’s virtually impossible to eliminate entry points for money laundering. We work hand-in-hand with the casinos.”

Money Laundering Still on Rinse Cycle in Las Vegas Casinos

CkirbyMoney Laundering in Las Vegas
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Taylor Branch Speech at the Stop Predatory Gambling National Convention

This is a video featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Taylor Branch at Stop Predatory Gambling’s 2008 National Convention in Washington, D.C. He begins to specifically address the issue of government-sanctioned predatory gambling after the 6:00 mark. Daniel Hunter of Casino Free Philadelphia was invited to introduce Branch.


LesTaylor Branch Speech at the Stop Predatory Gambling National Convention
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Sleep-Deprived Citizens Are a Lucrative Profit Center for Gambling Operators

In this study, researchers at Duke University Medical School found that sleep-deprived individuals tended to make choices that emphasized monetary gain and were less likely to make choices that reduced financial loss. Sleep deprivation can also change the way the brain assesses economic value. Finally, the study also demonstrates that sleep deprivation increases sensitivity to positive rewards while diminishing sensitivity to negative consequences.

Sleep Deprivation Biases the Neural Mechanisms Underlying Economic Preferences

CkirbySleep-Deprived Citizens Are a Lucrative Profit Center for Gambling Operators
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The Ugly Carpets Inside Casinos are Hideously Clever Social Engineering at Work

This article from discusses the interesting designs of casino carpets and how they may be designed to be purposely distracting to keep people gambling. Others believe they are deliberately designed “to obscure and camouflage gambling chips that have fallen onto the floor. The casinos sweep up a huge number of these every night. So the carpets are just another source of revenue.”

The Ugly Carpets of Vegas are Hideously Clever Social Engineering at Work

CkirbyThe Ugly Carpets Inside Casinos are Hideously Clever Social Engineering at Work
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Public Health Leader Calls on Rhode Island Not to Create Even More Gambling Addicts

Dr. Bob Breen, a psychiatrist from Rhode Island Hospital, wrote a letter in March 2011 to Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee explaining that 50% of the state’s gambling revenue comes from addicts and warning that allowing table games would create 1,000 to 2,250 new addicts.

Bob Breen Letter to RI Governor Chafee

CkirbyPublic Health Leader Calls on Rhode Island Not to Create Even More Gambling Addicts
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