Regional Casinos

Even casino industry researchers call racinos a sham

Even the researchers funded by casino interests admit slot machines do nothing to help horse racing and the workers connected to it. The late Bill Eadington, who was the director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming at the University of Nevada, Reno, told the Maryland Capital News Service in 2013, “The whole phenomenon of racetrack casinos has really been a sham. It’s done virtually nothing to increase the demand for horse races.”

2013 Casinos drawing mostly local crowds

LesEven casino industry researchers call racinos a sham
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Casinos’ public health risks outweigh the potential benefits for community health centers in Canada

Several community health centers in Canada are standing up to potential casinos in their area, according to this article by EMC News, saying they present a public health risk that far outweighs the potential revenue. Additionally, they say any revenue generated by casinos will come at the expense of other entertainment businesses.

2013 Casinos do more harm than good, say community health centers

LesCasinos’ public health risks outweigh the potential benefits for community health centers in Canada
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Addicts make up nearly 50% of Alberta’s gambling revenue

A study from the University of Lethbridge shows that in Alberta, the Canadian province that gets the most revenue from gambling, addicts fund nearly half of the gambling profits. This is especially astounding, considering gambling addicts make up only 2-3% of the population, leading to what researchers call an “ethically problematic” situation.

2013 Addicts fund nearly half of gambling revenue

LesAddicts make up nearly 50% of Alberta’s gambling revenue
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Homeowners see less-than-expected tax relief from casinos

Homeowners in Pennsylvania were hopeful, after a law was passed in 2006 that dictated the distribution of fund from casinos, that they would finally see a sizable reduction in their property taxes. It was break they needed, however, it was not one they received. Now, according to this article by the Pocono Record, homeowners are becoming more disappointed with the tax relief, or lack thereof, they are getting from casinos in their community.

2012 Gambling tax relief falls short of expectations for struggling homeowners

LesHomeowners see less-than-expected tax relief from casinos
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A look into the economic and fiscal impacts of casino gambling

This report, from Wichita State University, gives an unbiased and detailed look into the economic and fiscal impacts of casino gambling in Kansas. It gives a balanced and nonpartisan look at how casinos impact the area around them.  Below is the report followed by FAQ’s answered by the author.

2007 Wichita State Univ Fiscal and Economic Impact Study

2010 Wichita State University FAQ of study on city impacts of a casino

2010 Wichita State University More FAQ of study on city impacts of a casino

LesA look into the economic and fiscal impacts of casino gambling
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New study reveals economic impacts of Philadelphia casino

Below is an informative study from Temple University that delves into the economic impacts of the Foxwoods Casino in Philadelphia, PA. After examining all the evidence, the study concludes that the claims that casinos will bring in revenue and jobs is based on incorrect assumptions made by casino owners. It serves to prove the need for studies of casinos independent of special interests.

2007 Frederic Murphy Study of Philadelphia’s Foxwoods

LesNew study reveals economic impacts of Philadelphia casino
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Gambling is the deadliest addiction

Below is one of the best analyses explaining why gambling addiction has the highest rate of suicide of all the addictions. The psychological effects of problem gambling can be extremely harmful, and the feeling of despair that comes with gambling away all of one’s money is toxic. This article by The Fix is a must-read for anyone looking to understand why so many gambling addicts consider taking their own lives.

2012 You Bet Your Life- Gambling Addiction and Suicide

LesGambling is the deadliest addiction
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American Gaming Association head exposed for lying about the make-up of casino customers

Gambling operators are the only business that endlessly tries to draw attention away from what their business actually does. No one practices this deceit more than the American Gaming Association.  Former AGA head Frank Fahrenkopf was exposed in a Miami Herald story in which he was quoted as saying:”the majority of people traveling to these ‘destination resorts’ are not going for the primary purpose of gambling.” He made the claim amid an intense lobbying campaign for casinos in Florida. PolitFact investigated his claim and not surprisingly, found it to be untrue for casinos outside of Las Vegas.

2013 Gambling advocate says most people go to high-end casinos for amenities, not gambling

LesAmerican Gaming Association head exposed for lying about the make-up of casino customers
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Legalization of casino gambling leads to corruption

A new report is out showing that legalizing casino gambling in states results in higher rates of public corruption. Casinos help create a “culture of corruption” in states in which they are legalized, which harms the community as a whole. Here you can find a summary of the report done by the Pew Research Center as well as the report itself.

2013 For states, gambling on casinos may be a bad bet

2013 Casinos and Political Corruption in the United States

LesLegalization of casino gambling leads to corruption
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