Below is the brief video testimony of Les Bernal, National Director of Stop Predatory Gambling, before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism’s hearing “Post-PASPA: An Examination of
Former Assistant US Attorney Mike Fagan, an expert in online gambling prosecution, wrote the memo below about the ineffectiveness of geolocation technology. 2018 Geolocation and Online Gambling
Inspired by a criminal case of money laundering in Ontario, CBC investigative journalists used $30,000 to see if they could launder it through two B.C different casinos. They were able
Gambling has been normalized among young people and is an unconscious drain on their cash. The constant temptation of having a gambling app in your pocket leads to a stream
This New York Times column spotlights how casinos contribute to the lack of mobility out of poverty facing millions of Americans. As casinos have spread into de-industrialized cities, dying resorts
They max-out credit cards, drain their savings and checking accounts, seek payday loans, borrow money from relatives and friends, steal from employers and write bad checks. On rare occasions, they
This Washington Post story looks at the intended use for lottery revenues in each state. On average, lotteries accounted for 2 percent of overall state revenues, according to an analysis