Les Bernal

A Profile of Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock By an Addicted Gambler

The following was written by an addicted gambler who asked to remain anonymous. It was received by Stop Predatory Gambling on October 5, 2017:

Here is profile of Mr. Stephen Paddock provided by a fellow problem gambler. I am not a psychologist or addiction specialist, but I have suffered this addiction for many years and have spoken in confidence with many others having this affliction.

While I certainly cannot justify Mr. Paddock’s actions (they were horrible and misdirected), I do understand his anger and rage. Because of this internal rage, I refuse to own a gun or other deadly weapon, but I have fantasized about exacting revenge against those who exploit my weakness for their personal gain. (My fantasy involves their criminal imprisonment and brutal justice from fellow inmates.) Intellectually, I know I have to be responsible for being a gambling addict, but that doesn’t mean that emotionally I don’t also want to punish my pusher.

Mr. Paddock’s rage was directed against many innocent people. In particular, his choice of specific targets clearly illustrates irrational behavior. Why should that surprise anyone? Continued gambling for the problem gambler is not a rational act. Problem gambling is not about monetary gain. It’s to either emotionally escape personal issues or to initiate a dopamine high in the gambler’s brain.

Most problem gamblers know they will lose in the long run. I have a technical background and can explain mathematically why continued gambling means that I might as well write a check to the casinos equal to total long term amount bet multiplied by the percentage house advantage. In the long term, the statistical variance will shrink to zero from the house advantage percentage, meaning there is no gamble at all, only a contribution which can be easily calculated.

So why do we continue to gamble? Whether we realize it or not, many of us do it for the rush (the release of dopamine across the brain’s synapses) similar to that experienced by cocaine users. It’s brain chemistry, like falling in love. Problem gamblers can stay on a casino floor for 24 to 36 hours, without needing sleep or becoming hungry. Compare those feelings to that of a love-struck teenager who can’t eat or sleep.

After awhile on a binge, the brain’s temporary storage of dopamine is depleted and many problem gamblers continue to gamble desperately trying to unconsciously squeeze out the last bit of dopamine to avoid the depression and eventual crash. They may enter a disassociate state, where nothing else matters except continuing to gamble.

Long term, I believe the problem gambler’s brain chemistry and neural network change in fundamental ways. Gambling abstinence for long periods of time can help heal the mind and help restore normal dopamine levels and neural circuitry in the brain. However, neural paths associated with prior gambling activity remain, and these pleasurable memories lead to urges, which if not consciously fought (not an easy task), lead to relapse. The continuation of gambling reinforces the addictive neural paths and dopamine releases, creating a positive feedback situation. Urges create gambling activity, which in turn increases the frequency and intensity of the urges to gamble. It’s a vicious cycle.

A lot of people gamble in this country, but not many of these folks commit mass murder. So how do we explain Mr. Paddocks actions?

Many problem gamblers exhibit a Jekyll and Hyde persona, as they oscillate between their rational and emotional / addictive states. For example, except for gambling, I am a tightwad. I shop at the dollar store and garage sales, never eat out (except off a fast food dollar menu) and refuse to go the doctor or dentist. Yet, I’ll spend hundreds in a casino in a given evening, gambling until every last dollar is gone.

Much has been made about Mr. Paddock’s supposed wealth, despite his huge wagers. He might not yet be financially strapped, but when he is “sober” (out of action and off the immediate dopamine rush), the rational portion of his mind sees the huge monetary losses and he is angry at himself and at the casinos, whom his rational mind blames for exploiting his weakness.

At the same time, the emotional part of Mr. Paddock’s brain is trying to make a semi-rational argument to delude himself into continuing his addictive behavior. Hence, Mr. Paddock refers to himself as a “professional gambler,” even though he plays video poker. Real professional gamblers don’t consistently win against casino owned gambling devices. They beat other, nonprofessional, gamblers in live poker games.

Not only has Mr. Paddock deluded himself, the Dr. Jekyll portion of his personality has been able to fool his family and has been apparently able to successfully speculate in real estate. However, even his closest brother in Orlando FL seems to know little about Stephen’s life. Other brothers have little or no contact with him. His closest relationship seems to be with Marilou Danley, a high roller casino hostess. It seems reasonable that their relationship began as a result of her role as a casino hostess.

For quite some time, Mr. Paddock has been deluding himself about the impact of problem gambling on his life. This includes not only monetary losses, but also loss of personal and social contacts outside of gambling. Superficially, Mr. Paddock could appear quite normal and friendly with neighbors. During short encounters (remember he doesn’t have close friends other than Marilou and other gambling acquaintances) the addiction and the resulting personality flaws remain hidden.

What happened in the past year to make Stephen Paddock stockpile weapons and become a mass murderer? Mr. Paddock retired, reducing outside responsibilities and giving him more time to gamble. Mr. Paddock moved to Nevada, giving him greater access to casino gambling. These facts, coupled with the progressive nature of the disease, compounded his gambling problem significantly.

As the losses mounted (even though he may not have been financially strapped yet), the rational part of Mr. Paddock’s mind became angry at his loss of control. After all, he was a “professional gambler” and a successful real estate speculator (a form of gambling). He was smarter than this.

Yet the loss of control continued. He may have begun to blame the manipulation of the casinos, perhaps rightfully so. Reports say that Caesars awarded him their highest loyalty card rating, for only the highest rollers. I know from outside research that Harrahs (now Caesars) segments gamblers into literally 75 different customer segments to characterize their gambling habits and to lure them back to the casino. The casino industry calls it “relationship management.” I call it, and their reward program, psychological manipulation.

Perhaps, Mr. Paddock began thinking that the casinos were cheating him.

It is my speculation, that a part of Mr. Paddock’s mind finally came to the realization that his gambling was out of control and that he could not stop. He lost all hope and saw no way out. Perhaps he had lost earlier personal relationships and was in danger of losing his last remaining one, Marilou Danley. Perhaps he came to suspect that his relationship with Danley was false. Supposedly, Starbucks personnel overheard Paddock telling her that he had bought her coffee like he had bought her.

In the end, I believe that Mr. Paddock believed that the casinos had ruined his life and he wanted revenge. The gun purchases and the planning were done as his mind was in a diseased, but semi-rational state. I speculate that the actual shooting was done in a manic state, shortly after a period of intense gambling.

A horrible and tragic event was made even more tragic by the death and injury of innocents who had nothing to do with the casino industry that Paddock wanted revenge on. I suspect that, in his sick mind, Paddock was willing to sacrifice innocents to get back at the casinos. However, perhaps the concert audience represented Las Vegas to Paddock, and his rage extended to the entire city.

This is just speculation on my part. I do not justify or condone what Mr. Paddock did. Most problem gamblers would never consider doing what Mr. Paddock did. However, many problem gamblers have a lot of rage, most of it self directed. Gambling addicts have a significantly higher suicide rate than alcoholics and drug addicts.

The American Gaming Association, the national casino lobby, would have you believe that problem gamblers are only a tiny portion of the population, and that the rest of the population can gamble safely as entertainment. Well, please keep this in mind. Casinos in the United States had a net income of approximately $70 BILLION in 2015. On a per capita basis of adults, that’s very expensive

Les BernalA Profile of Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock By an Addicted Gambler
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Philadelphia City Council votes 17-0 against predatory gambling

The Philadelphia City Council voted 17-0 against adding new forms of predatory gambling in their community.

Stop Predatory Gambling, along with strong local allies, had called upon the City Council of Philadelphia to opt-out of a new Pennsylvania state program that could allow mini-casinos to set up shop in Philadelphia.  A mini-casino can have between 300 and 750 slot machines.  Also allowed could be truck stop casinos, each with five video game terminals.

Joining Stop Predatory Gambling in this request was Liberty Resources, Inc.; Asian Americans United; Arch Street United Methodist Church; and, Casino-Free Philadelphia.

In a letter educating the City Council about the issue, the groups wrote:

“Slot machines are highly addictive. Gambling operations prey on low-income and fixed-income residents, including seniors, people with disabilities and other vulnerable populations. This is not just regressive, predatory exploitation; it is counterproductive to a healthy economy.”

Click on the link below for a copy of the letter:

Opt out of more slot machines in Philadelphia communities letter

Les BernalPhiladelphia City Council votes 17-0 against predatory gambling
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The Freedom Players

Why Participate as a Freedom Player?

You need to become a Freedom Player if you want to help the 40 million Americans suffering harm because of the greed of big gambling operators. 

People like you are the reason why Freedom Players always win.

What is a Freedom Player?

Our action is simple but powerful. We enter a local casino (or local gambling venue), sit down at an electronic gambling machine, put in our money and then we begin Freedom Playing.

Freedom Playing means you play the machine any way you want except you don’t press the Play button. While we Freedom Play, some of us talk with a friend, some read a book and some even knit. The ideas are almost limitless.

While you are Freedom Playing, you are encouraged to ask casino staff some essential questions such as: how do electronic gambling machines work? Why does the casino give away “free slots play” to citizens? Will I ultimately lose all of my money if I play these machines for a length of time? The DSM V labeled gambling an addiction like heroin, cocaine, and opioids so should this slot machine be considered a dangerous and addictive product, and if so, does this casino have a legal duty of care to ensure that I’m not harmed by this product? And so on. You get the idea.

Once you are done Freedom Playing, you will hit the cash out button on the machine and receive a paper voucher that you will present to the Cashier’s Window to receive your “winnings.”

Here are the few steps it takes to be a Freedom Player along with some sample questions you can ask.

What The Freedom Players Aim to Achieve

We use our freedom to play these machines in such a way that:

  • Spotlights the 40 million Americans suffering harm because of the greed of big gambling operators;
  • Demonstrates commercialized gambling extracts enormous personal wealth from ordinary Americans, leaving many in life-changing levels of personal debt, and how this financial devastation affects their future.
  • Highlights the urgency for commercialized gambling to be dramatically reformed in America, especially because we believe the life of every person has intrinsic value and no one is expendable.

All Freedom Players Need to Bring the Following:

  • A $5.00 bill or larger (not surprisingly, many slot machines require that you insert at least a $5 bill even though you may be playing a penny slot machine)
  • Bring a Valid Photo I.D. (All participants need to be 21 years old or older to enter the casino.)
  • Something to do while “Freedom Playing” (i.e. a book, knitting, drawing, etc.)
  • Please bring at least one other person with you, a family member, friend or co-worker.

If you need more info, email us here.

Below is a brief video of the first Freedom Players action from back in January 2008. We were rookies then.


Les BernalThe Freedom Players
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Week of Action to Stop Predatory Gambling, Sept. 29-Oct. 5, 2024

To spotlight the 40 million Americans harmed by the greed of big gambling operators and to prevent more victims, we are organizing the National Week of Action to Stop Predatory Gambling, Sept. 29- Oct. 5, 2024.

At least 100 actions will be happening across America and the world during the week. 

We are calling for 100% participation from you and everyone who wants a future better than the one predatory gambling offers us. It’s an opportunity for thousands of citizens across the US and the world to act together to confront the unjust and dishonest policy of predatory gambling.

Do your part. Please commit two hours to participate locally in some way during the week of 9/29-10/5. If you can’t commit the time, then please participate by making a gift of $25 or more tax-deductible to support our work locally.

Possible Actions Include: The “action” can be anything you (or your group) want it to be. It could be a prayer vigil, a sign-holding visibility with homemade signs, participating in a “Freedom Players” event at a regional casino (or at a local restaurant/tavern with video gambling machines)…the ideas are limitless.

Also, here is a brief, effective guide that we put together with the Alabama group about how to organize a prayer vigil in your place of worship that weekend.

If you want to stop the harm that predatory gambling inflicts upon your community, then you personally need to act. Don’t think it will happen without your sacrifice because it won’t.

Les BernalWeek of Action to Stop Predatory Gambling, Sept. 29-Oct. 5, 2024
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Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was a gambling machine addict

Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock had a serious gambling machine addiction. Read the latest New York Times story on his gambling behavior. Electronic gambling machines were at the center of his life.

Yet news coverage continues to use terms like “professional gambler” when describing Paddock. He was not a professional gambler.

No professional gambler uses slot machines and video poker machines like Paddock did. The machines create the illusion of skill but a user is mathematically guaranteed to lose all their money the longer they play them. Once you press the button on the machine, there is no skill involved. The computer inside the machine (known as the Random Number Generator) decides whether you lose or win. The player has no control over the outcome.

The image below is from the landmark book investigating electronic gambling machines Addiction By Design (Pg 112):

The business model of casinos is based on people like Paddock losing over and over again. While he may have won occasionally, it’s a statistical certainty that he lost huge sums of money the longer and more frequently he played as the graph above shows.

Paddock was playing hundreds of hands per hour (about one hand every six seconds) for many hours straight. Almost day after day.

No credible gambling addiction expert unaffiliated with gambling operators and independently-funded would describe him as a “responsible gambler.” ‘Responsible gambling’ is little more than a marketing slogan made up by commercialized gambling operators and their partners. Its intent is to place the spotlight on the citizen and away from their predatory and fraudulent business practices.

Whether Paddock’s out-of-control addiction to electronic gambling machines was a central factor in what happened last Sunday will be determined by the FBI investigation. But news coverage and public discussion should not normalize Paddock’s single-minded obsession with gambling machines and the exploitive business practices used by the casinos to keep Paddock gambling continuously.

Les Bernal, National Director, Stop Predatory Gambling

Les BernalLas Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was a gambling machine addict
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What is Predatory Gambling?

Predatory gambling is when corporate gambling interests partner with government to cheat and exploit citizens. It ultimately forces the taxpayers who don’t gamble to foot the bill for the long-term public budget problems that result.

It’s a form of consumer financial fraud like price gouging and false advertising and it causes life-changing financial losses for tens of millions of citizens. Over the next eight years, the American people are on course to lose more than $1 trillion of their personal wealth to government-sanctioned gambling. At least half of this personal wealth – $500 billion – will be lost to state lotteries.

Predatory gambling is America’s biggest most-neglected problem.

The almost sole focus of state-sanctioned gambling has been to maximize profits, not protect the public interest. It’s exempt from truth-in-advertising laws, giving gambling corporations wide latitude to market gambling, grossly exaggerate chances of winning and aggressively lure citizens to lose their money.

Let people gamble if they want, some may say. But we already have the freedom to gamble. Up to now, many Americans participate in office pools for the Super Bowl, NCAA March Madness brackets, make casual wagers on the golf course with their friends, or play a Friday night poker game.

These informal events are examples of social gambling. There is no “house” skimming a large profit, guaranteeing the participant will inevitably lose over the long-term. No one is wagering continuously at rapid speeds of every five seconds, for hour after hour. Very few people feel an intense “buzz” or high from the experience. There’s no aggressive and deceptive marketing to get people to gamble more often with bigger sums of money. No one is lending or borrowing cash to participate or ends up losing their entire pay check. It doesn’t go on all day, every day of the week, year round. And ​it doesn’t require the majority of Americans who rarely gamble to subsidize it with any of their own money.

Without the legal, administrative, regulatory, and promotional privileges provided by state governments, lotteries, regional casinos and other commercialized gambling operators would not be spreading into mainstream American life as they are today. They would likely still exist only on the fringes of the society.

Les BernalWhat is Predatory Gambling?
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The U.S. has a lottery problem. But it’s not the people buying tickets.

From The Washington Post:

Despite their role in increasing economic inequality, lotteries remain remarkably popular in the United States, as millions of players believe in the distant chance that a lucky gamble will change their life. In 2014, annual sales reached over $70 billion, and Americans spent more on lottery tickets per year than they spent on books, sports tickets, music, video games and movie tickets combined.

The United States has a lottery problem, but it runs much deeper than players duped by a “stupid tax.” Public officials need to address the nation’s lottery addiction. When they do so, however, they need to consider not only the root causes of lotteries’ popularity — for example, declining access to social mobility and the concentration of lottery outlets in poor neighborhoods — but also the beliefs about taxes and state revenue that ushered in lottery legislation in the first place.

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Les BernalThe U.S. has a lottery problem. But it’s not the people buying tickets.
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