Les Bernal

American Medical Association: Growing Health Concern Regarding Gambling Addiction in the Age of Sportsbooks

The number of states with operational sportsbooks increased from 1 during 2017 to 38 during 2024. Total sports wagers increased from $4.9 billion during 2017 to $121.1 billion
during 2023, with 94% of wagers during 2023 being placed online. There were 23% (95% CI, 15%-30%) more searches nationally for gambling addiction help-seeking after Murphy v
National Collegiate Athletic Association. Massachusetts (47%; 95% CI, 21%-79%), New Jersey (34%; 95% CI, 21%-45%), New York (37%; 95% CI, 26%-50%), and Pennsylvania (50%; 95%
CI, 35%-66%) each had more searches than expected after the opening of any sportsbooks in their state. Additional analyses suggest the opening of online, vs retail, sportsbooks
corresponded with a larger increase in searches. Read the entire JAMA investigation here.

Les BernalAmerican Medical Association: Growing Health Concern Regarding Gambling Addiction in the Age of Sportsbooks
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“Why commercialized gambling is such fertile ground for corruption” | Vital City

A must-read piece by nationally acclaimed investigative journalist David Cay Johnston. Read the whole piece here.

An excerpt: “After decades of resisting easy-money promises by gambling moguls, New York State and City plan to license casinos in Midtown Manhattan, Coney Island and near Citi Field in Queens. Promoters and politicians alike promise a cornucopia of jobs and new tax revenues, but even more certain is what they dare not admit: more corruption. Indeed, the last great wave of legal American gambling ended more than a century ago in a corruption scandal run out of Manhattan.

Les Bernal“Why commercialized gambling is such fertile ground for corruption” | Vital City
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“Inside the Gambling Ring Allegedly Linked to Point Shaving Across Pro and College Basketball” | Sports Illustrated

Federal and NCAA authorities are investigating potential links between the gambling ring that ensnared former NBA player Jontay Porter and wagering on at least nine college games across last season and this season. Read it here.


Les Bernal“Inside the Gambling Ring Allegedly Linked to Point Shaving Across Pro and College Basketball” | Sports Illustrated
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Minnesota Senate Finance Committee informational hearing​ on the impacts of online sports gambling

Minnesota Senate Finance Committee informational hearing​ on the impacts of online sports gambling.​ (Video of hearing is below.) Attorney Matthew Litt of NJ joined Les Bernal of Stop Predatory Gambling at the Minnesota State Capitol. Atty. Litt speaks in detail about “VIP practices” at about the 12 minute mark. Three different academics who were co-authors of the three different high profile studies about the impacts of online sports gambling released in 2024 all testified for the first time at this hearing as well. Their testimony begins somewhere after the 33 minute mark of the video. Here’s the link to watch the informational hearing:

Les BernalMinnesota Senate Finance Committee informational hearing​ on the impacts of online sports gambling
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“The Big Gamble” – watch the documentary film by Fault Lines

One of the nation’s most respected documentary film programs, Fault Lines, an Emmy- and Peabody Award-winning show, released a must-watch groundbreaking film into online gambling operators and the devastation they are causing upon millions of Americans, especially young people.

While there has been some good journalism in recent times into the major problem of predatory gambling, there has not been been a group of journalists at the time of this writing who have better understood the scope and scale of the problem, and communicated it more boldly and effectively, than the journalists at Fault Lines, Correspondent Josh Rushing and Senior Producer Jeremy Young.

Les Bernal“The Big Gamble” – watch the documentary film by Fault Lines
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“Raising the Stakes: America’s Growing Sports Gambling Addiction” – CBS News Films

As more states legalize gambling, online sportsbooks have spent billions courting the next generation of bettors. And now, as mobile apps offer 24/7 access to placing wagers, addiction groups say more young people are seeking help than ever before. CBS News Reports explores what experts say is a hidden epidemic lurking behind a sports betting bonanza that’s leaving a trail of broken lives.

Les Bernal“Raising the Stakes: America’s Growing Sports Gambling Addiction” – CBS News Films
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Examining the economic impacts of new casinos: City & State New York

Read the whole story here. Here’s an excerpt:

“What my research indicates is that casinos don’t add to the economy of a city – in fact, in recessionary times, they subtract from the economy,” said Jonathan Krutz, professor emeritus at Boise State University College of Business and Economics. “The revenue going into casinos, by and large, comes locally, so it’s not benefiting local businesses, it’s taking away from local businesses, and the money casinos depend on comes primarily from people who are addicted.”

Despite what developers say about their proposals, economists aren’t convinced that casinos benefit urban communities. In fact, some say that Las Vegas’ success is the exception.

Research suggests casinos aren’t the jobs driver they’re thought to be. The thousands of construction jobs end once the casino is built. Krutz said the permanent jobs are often low-paying and can be unfulfilling to some, since they are based on collecting losses from customers.

“The economic benefit comes when they’re hiring people that are unemployed,” Ursinus College professor of business and economics Andrew Economopoulos said. “If they’re hiring people that already are employed, that’s only switching from one working firm to another working firm.”


Les BernalExamining the economic impacts of new casinos: City & State New York
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