Being a member of Stop Predatory Gambling means you’re taking an active role to help the 40 million Americans experiencing harm caused by the greed of big gambling operators.

Kids are being harmed by a bombardment of gambling advertising like never before, normalizing them to the dangers of commercialized gambling and making them far more likely to develop problems later in life.

U.S. families are on course to lose more than $1 trillion of personal wealth to commercialized gambling over the next 5 years, an average of at least $150 billion of lost wealth every year.

Gambling is recognized as an addiction on the same level as heroin, cocaine, and opioids in the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM V, used by health care providers and insurers as the principal source for mental health diagnoses.

The Lancet, one of the most respected medical journals in the world, publicly declared gambling to be “an urgent, neglected, understudied and worsening public health predicament.”

Stop Predatory Gambling & Gambling-Free Kids in the News

We Attract and Empower Difference Makers.

All Life Circumstances

All Life Circumstances

All Political Stripes

All Political Stripes

50 States

50 States

How We Stop Predatory Gambling


Protect the health and well-being of kids and their families by restricting gambling advertising, marketing, and sponsorships, like we do for other dangerous and addictive products.


Dramatically reduce poverty in America by cutting gambling losses 50%, allowing families to keep $500 billion of personal wealth over the next six years.


End the practice of gambling operators reaping half their profits from citizens who have been turned into addicted gamblers.

Our Agreement

Is the corrupt and expanding power of commercialized gambling harming the people in your life and the world around you?

Are you passionate about protecting others, especially kids, from suffering the abuse, neglect, and poverty that predatory gambling causes?

When you see a wrong, do you act to make it right, no matter the power of your opponent?

Are you the kind of person who goes after the root of an evil rather than hacking at its branches?

Do you want to be with others who possess that same kind of character?

If you answered Yes to these questions, then you belong as a member of Stop Predatory Gambling.

Thrift, which means being a wise and careful manager of one’s resources the opposite of commercialized gambling is a core value of our network. More than 90 cents of every dollar raised is spent directly on our mission to reveal the truth behind gambling operators to prevent more victims.

We do not accept contributions from commercialized gambling interests.

– Les Bernal, National Director
Stop Predatory Gambling
