
20 years after casinos legalized in Missouri, former supporters admit they haven’t delivered on promises

In 1994, when a measure legalizing casinos in Missouri became law, State Rep. Herbert Fallert was its biggest supporter. After all, it was his 1991 legislation that began the whole process. However, now, 20 years into the casino industry in Missouri, the disappointing results have Fallert wondering if it was really the right move after all. “I sponsored it to save tourism for the state of Missouri,” says Fallert. “It turned out to be more of a gaming thing. It kind of got away from us.” This stunning reversal comes on the heels of the industry’s disappointing results. Now, education officials, who previously heralded the adoption of casinos in the state as a great source of money for education, are asking that education funding no longer be tied to such an unstable source of revenue. This article from the St. Louis Post Dispatch details why former supporters have soured on the casino industry in Missouri.

2014 Missouri’s casino industry turns 20 today- Is it a winner?

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